10th of May is World Poultry Day

10th of May is World Poultry Day

Date published:  10 May 2020

10th of May is World Poultry Day

As Europe begins to emerge from containment, it is essential to keep one fact in mind: Our food production system has held up well through the worst of the crisis. If our system has remained stable, it is thanks to the will of thousands of men and women who have continued their activity in our farms, our barns, our processing plants to guarantee your food security and prevent any further escalation of the crisis. Even though many difficulties, many questions will arise in the months to come, on May 10 being the Worild Poultry Day, it is important to pay tribute to our #FoodHeroes, the 370.000 european poultry breeders, producers and processors.

Today is time to pay tribute to … The European Poultry Breeders
Who through many years of hard work and expertise have carefully selected the right males and females to create our high value breeding stock, that ensures sustainable production across our supply chain.

Today is the time to pay tribute to … all the fantastic people working in The European Hatcheries
Who work incredibly hard to deliver good biosecurity and invest in modern production systems to ensure good standards of animal health.

Today is time to pay tribute to … The European Poultry Farmers
Who work hard across the 25,000 family owned poultry farms in the EU to take care of our birds in the best possible way while ensuring compliance with the science based European legislation on animal welfare.

Today is time to pay tribute to … the fantastic staff at The European Poultry Processing Plants
Who maintain strict hygiene practices to ensure a high level of food safety at all times.

In these difficult times we all realise how important our food producers are for our every day health and well-being they deserve gratitude and respect today but also tomorrow. When this crisis will be behind us, let’s not forget that our livestock sector is also our part of our strength! It’s never been more important to celebrate our #FoodHeroes because they work to ensure #foodsecurity.


