The Presidency and the Board of AVEC

President: Gert-Jan Oplaat

The Presidency of  Gert-Jan Oplaat  from the Dutch association NEPLUVI (Vereniging van de Nederlandse Pluimveeverwerkende Industrie) started in September 2022.

The president chairs the board meetings and the General Assembly, participates in the different Working Groups and assists the secretariat in its daily work whenever possible.

Vice Presidents:

  • Dariusz Goszczynski, KRD (Poland),
  • Franz-Josef Rothkötter, BVG (Germany),
  • Iokin Zuloaga, Avianza (SP),
  • Mario Veronesi, Unaitalia (Italy)

The Board

The member organisations of AVEC are represented in the Board by one Board Member and one Deputy Board Member. Board meetings are held four times a year.

In connection with the first board meeting of the year AVEC organises an annual reception to facilitate an exchange of views between board members, officials from the Commission, the European Parliament and other stakeholders. Commission experts are invited to attend the board and working group meetings whenever their presence is considered opportune.

The General Assembly of AVEC takes place on a yearly basis, usually in September/October with the participation of around 150 delegates.