Open call for evaluation body: Evaluation of the promotion campaign EU Poultry - 874712  

Open call for evaluation body: Evaluation of the promotion campaign EU Poultry - 874712  

Date published:  17 December 2019

1/ Announcers:

AVEC – Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU as coordinator of the project

This multi program promotion campaign will be run together with following proposing organisations:

UNAITALIA (Italy) – Unione Nazionale Filiere Agroalimentari

NEPLUVI (Netherlands) – Vereniging van de Nederlandse Pluimveeverwerkende Industrie

CIDEF (France) – Comité Interprofessionnel de la Dinde

BVG (Germany) – Bundesverband der Geflügelschlachtereien

KRD (Poland) – IG Krajowa Rada Drobiarstwa – Izba Gospodarcza

2/ Subject of the contract:

The announcers are launching a call for proposals for the evaluation of a promotion campaign aiming at raising the awareness on the high EU production standards and the quality of the EU poultry meat.

3/ Outline of the project:

AVEC, the association of poultry processors and Poultry trade in the EU countries, is a voluntary, non-profit association created in 1966 with the objective of representing and promoting the interests of the European poultry sector. Our members are national organisations representing poultry processors and the poultry trade in 16 EU countries. AVEC’s members represent 95% of the EU poultry meat production.

Together with its German, Italian, Polish, French and Dutch members, AVEC has built a program which aims at informing on the production methods and high EU standards applying for the production of poultry meat in the European Union. The actions will aim at increasing the public awareness on these methods of production and on the health benefits of eating poultry meat, as well as contradict myths/fake news on the production of poultry meat.

By doing so, we expect to raise the consumer confidence in eating poultry meat in the targeted countries and ultimately increase consumption of poultry meat.

The target audiences will be the consumers but also key opinion leaders.

AVEC will be the proposing organisation and will receive support from its members from Italy (UNAITALIA), France (CIDEF-FIA), Germany (BVG), Poland (KRD) and Netherlands (NEPLUVI). A consortium agreement will be defined between AVEC and the afore-mentioned members to define their relation. The agency will have to deal with AVEC as proposing agency, but also with all these members individually to perform the evaluation of the program.

The program will have a total budget of 5.500.000 € for a total duration of 2 years.

  • The objectives of the campaigns are:

1) Improve awareness of European poultry from 1-2 at the beginning of the programme to 4-5 at the end of the programme among the European consumers of the targeted countries.

2) Support European poultry sales by maintaining a 1,22% Annual Growth Rate of the EU poultry consumption in volume up to 2021 compared with baselines of the 2020 and 2021 growth rates without the programme in the EU.

  • Challenges:

The main challenges are to reassure consumers and key opinion leaders about production methods of European poultry meat, to make sure they are well informed about EU quality standards along the supply chain and advantages of poultry meat (health benefits, convenience, sustainability…) while fake news and protesters take the stage and to increase the awareness that the poultry meat produced in Europe is a result of strict European rules and procedures, which guarantees quality and safety.

  • Strategic choices:

Strengthen trust and recognition of European poultry

Create an infotainment campaign that combines factual information with lively experience

Customize and produce messages and content for both B2C and B2B

  • Target groups:

Primary target groups: Consumers – Families with children

Secondary target groups: Professionals, key opinion leaders (KOL) & media

  • Communication mix:

It will be based on the following aspects:

-Common key visuals and website

-Selection of ambassadors

-PR activities and social media activation

-Advertising: radio – Print – Online – Social medias

-Event for professionals, KOL and/or customers

More details on the content of the campaign that would serve the purpose of the application can be provided during the selection process on demand from the candidates.

4/ Objective of the call: selection of an evaluation agency for the campaign

In application of the EU regulations, the promotion programme must be evaluated by an external evaluation body, in order to guarantee the respect of planned deliverables, costs and objectives.

The implementing agency will determine a methodology to evaluate the correct implementation and effectiveness of the activities. The agency will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign, especially on the targeted groups determined by the objectives and strategy. The selected evaluation body will have to take into account for each planned action the output, result and impact indicator. They will gather data using appropriate means and use the data collected during the campaign to reach an appropriate level of information.

Each year, the evaluating agency will prepare a report including data on every action implemented during the year which will be turned in to the proposing organisation for analysis.

This call for proposals covers two annual reports (one at the end of each programme year, each showing the situation at the start and at the end of the programme year in terms of the chosen impact indicators/programme objectives), as well as a final global report covering the two years of the report, summarising the 2 annual reports and showing how the programme has reached its objectives compared to a the situation before the beginning of the campaign and the start of promotion activities.

In each report, the evaluation body will have to be mindful of:

  • Output indicators: deliverables of the campaign (number of TV clips, number of press releases, number of social media articles…)
  • Result indicators: measuring the reach of each action (viewership of TV clips, readership of press releases and of social media articles…)
  • Impact indicators: measure of how the campaign has increased awareness / image of the product and created a tangible economic return thanks to its various promotion actions, compared to the situation before the campaign and a baseline scenario without the campaign being implemented

The evaluation agency is free to propose the methodology which are considered the best to reach the specified objectives within the determined budgets.

The promotion programme should end on 31/12/2021, a date after which all costs will be final and the final ex post evaluation can take place.

5/ Budget and actions expected:

The budget of the evaluation of the campaign including fees, is 128 370€ without VAT over a total of 2 years. The repartition of the total evaluation budget per year is the following:

– Year 1 (01/01/2020 – 31/12/2020): 62 960 € (without VAT);

– Year 2 (01/01/2021 – 31/12/2021): 65 410 € (without VAT).

The evaluation agency will be in charge of the following activities, for a total budget of 128 370 € (without VAT):

A/ Measurement of the increase of awareness and image

The program’s impact regarding the objective for increasing of awareness about European poultry should be approximately from 1-2 at the beginning of the program to 4-5 at the end of the program. The measurement of these objectives of the program will be performed by the agency.

B/ Measurement of increased EU poultry consumption

The program’s impact with regard to the objective of “supporting European poultry sales by maintaining a 1,22% Annual Growth Rate of the EU poultry consumption in volume up to 2021 compared with baselines of the 2020 and 2021 growth rates without the program in the EU”.

The measurement of the annual growth rate of EU poultry consumption in each of the Targeted countries will be done by the Evaluation Agency.

The Evaluation Agency will analyze yearly the data available and draw conclusion in order to increase sales the next year. It will make sure that the objective is reached relying on OECD and FAO data.

Each year, the evaluating agency will prepare a report including data on every action implemented during the year which will be turned in to the proposing organization for analysis.

6/ Rules of the competition:

  1. This call for proposals concerns the promotion programme for agricultural products co-financed by the European Union.
  2. Agencies wishing to apply must have English-speaking contact people, as all exchanges with AVEC and CHAFEA will be in English.
  3. The application file will include the following elements:
  • A presentation of the evaluation methodology;
  • A reverse planning for the evaluation of the campaign;
  • A detailed quote presented in Euro’s, all taxes included, respecting the broad budgetary framework.
  1. The evaluation agency will have to bring guarantees on the absence of conflict of interests to take part in this call.
  2. Once the evaluation agency’s work has been paid, the creations of the selected agency will become property of the announcers with no limit of time or location, for use through all communication techniques and media.
  3. The announcers will reserve the right to use concepts and creations in all their campaigns and the campaigns of their collective structures with no limit in time.
  4. Expenses can only be put forward after a detailed quote and a framework contract have been signed between the announcers and the selected agency.

7/ Documents to be provided by the applicants:

The detailed proposition should be sent imperatively in English to Ms. Birthe Steenberg ( and should include:

-A dated and signed motivation letter accepting the conditions of the competition, as described in the call for proposals.

-The list of principal references of the past 2 years for similar actions over several countries (evaluation of agricultural sector, collective or institutional communication campaign) and providing the aim, budget and length of services.

-The presentation of the agency and its internal organisation.

-The name and experience level of the team in charge of the project.

-Justification of knowledge of European markets, and in particular the markets targeted by the programme.

-The presentation of local offices/relay structures who could play a role in the project for all countries concerned by the programme.

These elements will help the announcers decide how adequate the agency’s offer is compared to the needs of the campaign.


  • 17 January 2020 by 18.00: Deadline for sending application to the tender (all applications sent after this date will not be considered).
  • 22 January 2020 by 18h00: notification of the chosen agency and detailed notification to the other agencies of non-selection.

After the selection, AVEC will sign a bilateral agreement with the selected evaluation agency. The contract will stipulate everyone’s tasks and responsibilities.


The selection will be done by a jury composed of AVEC’s Secretary General as well as AVEC members from Italy, Poland, France, Germany and Netherlands which are involved in the project.

Selection criteria:

  1. Quality and coherence of the proposal (20 points)
  2. Quality and pertinence of the suggested methodology (20 points)
  3. Qualifications of the evaluation agency’s team (10 points)
  4. Agency’s experience with EU programmes (20 points)
  5. Financial viability of the agency (10 points)
  6. Respect of the budget and best value for money (20 points)


Ms. Birthe Steenberg, Secretary General of AVEC ( is available to answer any questions agencies might have (tel: + 32 (0) 492 10 75 71).

Date of Publication: 17 December 2019